It seems like you can’t have a single conversation about IT, or even just technology in general, without someone mentioning the cloud.
A few years ago we would have told you that the cloud is the future and you should start investing in this technology now to get a leg up on the competition before the cloud becomes the norm.
It’s too late to make that argument now. The cloud is already here, and it’s here to stay.
If it’s taken you this long to acquaint yourself with cloud technology, it can be a overwhelming trying to understand all the unfamiliar terminology: you’ll hear about migrations, virtualization, public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS… it sounds like gibberish if you’re not quite up to date with the latest development in business tech.
But wait, you don’t have time to learn a new language. You just want to keep up with the latest tech developments to make sure that your competitors don’t have an advantage and your workforce is able to be as productive as possible.
OffSite IT makes cloud computing simple. Our cloud services will cut costs, enhance productivity, and allow you to be more flexible with the service you’re getting and the amount you’re paying for it.
Disaster Recovery
On-site backups can protect you from a lot of potential disaster scenarios.
But a large-scale physical disaster, something like a fire or a flood, could hit your office and destroy all your storage equipment and the files stored on them as well as back-up equipment that was designed to protect those original files.
What’s backing up your backups?
The cloud allows you to store backups off-site, so no matter what happens to your office every single file lost can be restored.
Work doesn’t have to be confined to the office anymore. Your employees can use the cloud to access business data remotely over their personal smartphone or laptop. Projects will be completed at a faster pace if your employees can contribute from home or wherever else (as long as they can find an internet connection) instead of being restricted to just the office.
Hosted Solutions
Relying as little as possible on on-site equipment will greatly reduce your IT budget. Think about it: even if you could somehow get servers for free instead of putting down thousands of dollars upfront for the hardware, on-site equipment will still require a considerable investment in all the electricity and maintenance costs it takes to keep everything running.
Also, virtualization helps you customize your IT solution to best fit your current needs.
Consider this scenario: your business is growing and you need to improve your IT infrastructure so you can handle the extra traffic. Before, when on-site equipment was your only option, you’d have to invest in even more expensive hardware, as well as more of the ongoing maintenance costs we just mentioned. And if business slows down significantly, you’re stuck with a bunch of expensive hardware you don’t even need.
Now, with the cloud, you can scale up your services with just the click of a button, and there’s no commitment to additional infrastructure. It’s just as easy to scale back down and save money when business is dragging.
Contact us at (866) 828- or for more information about our cloud services.